Upload the code on your board

Now we will upload the multiwii firmware on the Crius MultiWii SE v2.6 and configure it via the MultiWiiConf application.

First of all, we need to connect our board to the computer via the USB cable and the FTDI board.

To do this connect the FTDI pins on the Crius MultiWii SE v2.6 board to the corresponding pins on the FTDI board with a pin connector. Note that we used a weird pin connector to do this but you can use whatever you have at hand. 🙂

Then, connect the FTDI board to a USB port on your computer via the cable which comes with it when you buy it.

Make sure that the pins you connect together both on the controller board and the FTDI board fits well. This will make you save time trying to understand why the uploading afterwards doesn't work well. 😗

Next, lets setup the files we need to upload on our board.

1. Download the Arduino sofware on your computer via the website https://www.arduino.cc/en/main/software

2. Download multiwii firmware latest version from https://code.google.com/p/multiwii/ and extract it on your computer

3. Go in the folder MultiWii previously extracted, then open MultiWii.ino who will lauch Arduino

4. Go to the config.h file in Arduino, remove // in front of #define QUADX to setup the type of configuration of your multicopter and in front of #define CRIUS_SE_v2_0 to choose the type of board.

5. Then go in Tools -> Board -> and select Arduino Pro or Pro Mini and make sure in Tools -> Processor -> that ATMmega328P (5V, 16MHz) is selected. 

6. Last configuration we need to do before uploading on the board is to go in Tools -> Port -> select the port of your MultiWii (COM3 for us).

7 . Click on verify and then on upload.

As the code is uploading on the Crius MultiWii SE v2.6 you should see the lights flashing on both the controller board and the FTDI board.

Complete and Continue  