Calibrate your flight controller

Now that the code is uploaded on the flight controller, we can calibrate it.

Go to the MultiWiiConf folder present in the MultiWii folder downloaded previously from their website.

Then go to -> application.windows32 folder -> double-click on the MultiWiiConf application. (Note that even if I had windows 64bits only the 32bits app seems to work).

1 . You need to select the port to which your flight controller is connected to (in this case COM3).

2 . Click on Read.

3 . Click on Start.

4 . Put your board flat on the desk and then click on Calib_acc.

5 . Click on Calib_mag and then you need to rotate your board in all direction during 30 secondes as fast as possible. You should see spikes all over the graph.

Complete and Continue